The Circumference of the World by Lavie Tidhar is even grander in scope than its title at first suggests. Like many Tidhar novels, it is uniquely brilliant, but this one draws together in its luminous writing many perspectives that take some time to sort out. There is a young woman from Vanuatu, a mathematician in […]
Locus Ballot 2023: Science Fiction and Fantasy Novels and More
Time to pick from the long list of nominees for the Locus ballot 2023, covering work published in 2022. It’s a big list, since it represents the consensus judgment of a large group of reviewers at Locus magazine, and I can’t pretend to have read it all. I think part of the purpose of such […]
9 Favorite Science Fiction Novels of 2022
End-of-year time seems to slow down a bit from rest-of-the-year time, and that enforced (relative) rest gives me a break to look back for my favorite science fiction novels of 2022. I have to say that the current period, imho, eclipses past golden ages of SFF and redefines standards in a fundamental way. There is […]
Neom by Lavie Tidhar – A Review
In the helpful afterward to his hauntingly beautiful new novel, Neom, Lavie Tidhar describes his process of writing it as one of discovery. He wrote about a robot going to the flower market of the bustling city of Neom to buy a single rose. But why? He had to write another story to answer that […]
Amazing Cities in SFF – 3
To round out for now this series on cities in SFF, I’m revisiting a few novels that capture the importance of how people experience urban environments and how the massive structures affect their language and thought. A city, after all, is not just buildings and a way of physically organizing dense populations, but also a […]
My Favorite 2021 Locus Recommendations
As a fan and amateur writer who doesn’t go to conferences, there are few awards I get to vote for, so I’m happy to see several of my favorites on the Locus 2021 recommendations long list. As a subscriber to this venerable magazine, I can actually participate and sent in my ballot as soon as […]