2023 brought me some of the most remarkable reading experiences of the last several years. A few, like The Mountain In the Sea and When Woman Were Dragons were published in 2022, but there were plenty that I was able to read in the year of publication. So here are my 10 favorite SFF novels […]
Taking on my SciFi TBR – Summer Wrap-Up
Well, I worked through this summer’s scifi TBR, adding a few more titles along the way, but not all of the novels and stories were quite right for me. I’ve already reviewed the four I really loved – books that changed me in some way. Those are Notes from the Burning Age, And What Can […]
10 Great SFF Books Coming This Fall
Here I am only half way through my short summer TBR list, and already I have 10 great SFF books lined up for the late summer and fall. This list includes mostly new volumes of some of the heavy hitter series of the last decade as well as a couple of stand-alones from writers who […]